Villalon Mansion hauntedImage Source:

Everyone knows where the Cebu Provincial Capitol is located. Most of us pass it by every day. But only a few notices a hill hidden just behind the Capitol Site with an eerie-looking mansion that sits atop. That pink mansion most people call the “House on the Hill” overlooks downtown Cebu and it used to be owned by the Villalon’s, one of the city’s most prominent families.

According to legend, the Villalon Mansion used to host lavish parties and accepted a bevy of visitors inside its halls during the 50’s and 60’s. Somewhere in the 90’s however, the family that lived there relocated abroad. Since then, the pink mansion has become abandoned and is now off-limits to outsiders. Only a few caretakers have access inside the premises.

Like any abandoned building, entities not like us would occupy in its place. Residents near the mansion report sightings of a lady in white looking out from one of the windows staring at the streets. Other stories claim the white lady could be heard singing an old-fashioned melody, especially during a full moon. Other people could also hear unusual noises and sightings coming from the mansion especially at night.

My sister’s husband told me he used to be friends with the descendants of the house. He said he once got invited to sleep over at the Villalon mansion back in the 90’s but he didn’t notice anything unusual. However, spooky stories about that House on the Hill still persists. Residents near the area still attest that strange things do indeed happen there especially at night.