Gollum read tweets by Donald TrumpImage Source:ripleys.com

“What’s covfefe, precious?”

Lord Of The Rings’ actor Andy Serkis took to US TV to read out a series of Donald Trump’s tweets in the style of his character ‘Gollum’. Check it out below.

Andy Serkis is the often underappreciated actor who does motion-capture performances for movies like King Kong and the Planet of the Apes series. His most popular performance is perhaps Gollum from the early 2000’s fantasy epic, the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Mr. Serkis appeared on ‘The Late Show with Stephen Colbert’ to promote his latest movie ‘War For The Planet Of The Apes‘. Colbert, a big LOTR nerd, asked Serkis to read through some of President Donald Trump’s infamous tweets in the voice of Gollum.

Adopting the character’s hunched pose, Serkis delivers a shrill delivery of lines such as “the fake news media has never been so wrong, or so dirty”, “despite the constant negative press kovfefe” and of course “SAD!”


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