Rotten Tomatoes will delay the release of Justice League scoreImage Source:

Rotten Tomatoes is a review aggregation website for movies and TV  series. That means Rotten Tomatoes collects all the reviews and ratings from different articles and review sites and ‘aggregate” the scores into a collective whole.

Usually, when there’s a new movie coming up, Rotten Tomatoes would collect all the early reviews and aggregate a rating before the movie officially premieres. But in the case with the upcoming Justice League film, Rotten Tomatoes will be holding back the scores. Why?

It’s because Rotten Tomatoes will be launching a weekly show called Rotten Tomatoes See It / Skip It to be broadcast on Facebook live via the site Watch platform. One of the show’s regular features is a “Tomatometer Score Reveal” — and this week’s reveal is ‘Justice League’, the hotly anticipated DC Extended Universe movie that unites Batman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Aquaman, The Flash, and Superman.

Rotten Tomatoes will only reveal the rating for the DC film if you watch their Facebook live episode which will be broadcast tomorrow. However, you will still most likely see the aggregated scores to be published on their site shortly after.