Music from the vintage era will and always will be loved no matter what time period you come from. A Michael Jackson song will never die out until who knows when.

Producing songs is not an easy job that can be done by anyone. In fact, it takes skills and talent to do so. Unlike our generation now, what you usually hear are try-hards who just want to ride on the hype which eventually kills the vibe of the original music.

If you want to freshen up your ears with some good old music, then Friday must be your favorite day. Your favorite radio station is giving you the greatest throwback music enthusiast, DJ Neil, to present to you an ultimate mix from the past. Put some old spice on your Friday night as you listen to some groovy dance music which will definitely make you want your Friday night to never end.

Join in the dancefloor with DJ Neil on the Party Patrol, every Fridays, from 10PM to 2AM, only on Y101fm Always First, or stream us live on

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