
Are you ready to party tomorrow night?

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Party time is calling you once again as DJ Neil preps his mixes for his session tomorrow night! Gear up for those select party mixes from the 90s and the 2000 decade, combined with the Top 40 tracks on Party Patrol


It’s the weekend once again! So Let’s kick it off with the ultimate flashback clubbing ride… Party Patrol!

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Thank God for the trendy 80s-tinted tracks that are currently popping up in the Billboard Top100s which makes Party Patrol's disco beats so apropos for the times. Why I say this is because even if I don’t quite fancy disco music specially coming from the 80s, this show really rocks!


We’re closing in on another Friday night, and we want you to ride on the patrol… The Y101 Party Patrol.

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Come out to the dark skies of the Friday night and just fill it up with fun memories that would last a lifetime.


It’s time to have that martini with DJ Neil's exclusive mixes, shaken, not stirred as James Bond would say!

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Thinking about going on a night full of cool music? Jump in to the greatest hit show every Friday night on your favorite radio station. Don't just settle for a plain evening when you can experience great throwback disco music with our favorite, DJ Neil.