Broadcasting isn’t what everybody dreams of as their job. It seems like very easy work to do, but actually it is quite difficult to keep up with the pace of mainstream media.

This kind of profession isn’t really for everyone since it requires a good personality and a knowledgeable mind. What I think about broadcasting is how you deal with people and how you get them to be attentive of what you have to say or what you do for a long period of time.

We start liking something after we see it, hear it or experience it; until then will we know what we want for ourselves. Jeanne Louise had the same thing going on in her life back when she was still in high school. Before she became a radio personality, she had been listening to Y101fm and also idolized two specific radio jocks. They were Jeanne’s favorite DJs and inspirations. She always loved listening to them before she even went to college. That’s how she built up her passion for broadcasting. "Most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it."

Jeanne Louise’s love for being on air really started when she was still in secondary level. She used to watch a lot of news, not entertainment news like what the usual high school student would watch, but real and live news. CNN and BBC used to rule her world back then. Jeanne Louise would watch them all day even though she was still a teen. However, her purpose for watching that kind of TV network wasn’t all about the news; she admired the broadcasters and wished to be like them some day. Jeanne Louise could not forget this particular anchor from CNN, Christiane Amanpour. She was her all-time idol and also inspired her greatly. She thought that broadcasting would do nice for her, and she also didn’t mind whether if she would go on air on the radio or the television. As long as it’s broadcasting, she’s up for it.

I am very happy to say that Jeanne Louise is really living her dream right now. She is very good at what she does; and that’s being the DJ of the hottest radio station, Y101fm. And you know what happens if you love doing what you do, you inspire people and that’s what Jeanne Louise is doing to me personally. The key to success is to never give up your dreams.

What’s in our minds? Y101 Talks.

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