
We were so happy to have the child prodigy, Alexandre Laverez known to many as AK, participate in Knock Out Thursdays.

Who is AK? AK is Philippine’s number 1 Tekken Player and has proved his skills in world tournaments beating top Japanese and Korean players. He has achieved more than any Filipino Tekken player has ever achieved.  He gave our country a place in Tekken and he is just 14 years old!

We were lucky that AK had some time to spare with us and agreed to do a friendly race to 3 with our very own player, Gogoy. Many people were hyped and patiently waited even if some time has passed just to see both players fight. According to some of the viewers, it was a match between the two best players of the Philippines.

AK and Gogoy sure did show some talents and I couldn’t say who was better. AK was so good at reading Gogoy’s moves and yes, he made Gogoy sweaty and nervous. It was a match of different playstyles and serious mind-reading.

Without further much ado, here is the awaited replay:


Check out Knock Out Thursdays, a show dedicated to gaming every Thursday at 8pm onwards where battles are streamed live on knockoutthursdays.y101fm.com

Be updated with Knock Out Thursdays : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Y101FM-CEBU-Knockout-Thursdays 

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