y101talks 031615main

It was a regular afternoon where John M shared to me an experience.

There was a time when John M lived with the fisherman for a while since he wanted to know what life and its meaning is. He headed to Masbate which was a very sleepy town and decided to live with the fishermen. According to John, the fishermen were really poor but the good thing is, they were happy and healthy – the type of people we don’t see in the city. 

The sad thing is that the fish that the fishermen caught were already owned by someone even before they reach the market; meaning the fishermen aren’t really catching for themselves. This is how sad the world goes but nonetheless, they are happy and content of what they earn.

Beggars there aren’t given money but fish. It is better that way coz having money in their place doesn’t give justice. They cannot use it like how we use it in the city. It may be of help but food helps more.

What’s not good is that the fishermen weren’t so good in terms of using their money. They usually split their earnings in half- 50% for the family’s needs and 50% for alcohol. It’s that bad. We don’t know why they spend so much on their habit.

Over all, John M’s story was very interesting which encouraged me to do the same.

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