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If you haven’t seen her personally yet, let me help you visualize how she looks like.

Veronica is no ordinary person. You can easily spot her in a crowd. I am not sure if it is her aura or her fashion, it can be both or not. Despite the pretty face (which is another factor of her standing out), she has outfits that every fashion-conscious women would envy.

Black is her main color. Not only doesshe look good in it, it is already her personality. We all know her as the “dark side” which justifies her fondness of black. She even mentioned to me that she loves collecting black things such as accessories and of course, clothes. Veronica also thinks that people look presentable when they wear black. Boots are a must. She once wore shoes and complained that she felt so naked. I took that for granted until I noticed that she RARELY wears shoes.

Aside from black, Veronica’s other favorite color is white. For her, white looks decent and presentable; no matter how simple you are, white never fails to give you that elegant look. There was one time when she wore red. She looked so different and it just wasn’t her, so we made fun of her the whole day. It was a good thing we did because she has never worn another color ever since.

She shares that she sometimes has some difficulty picking out certain clothes from her closet because they are all black. However, it takes her only a minute to come up with an outfit.

One thing though, she will stop wearing black when she finds a color that is darker than black.

Pure evil, Veronica.

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