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You may not know it, but Y101FM has two prominent coffee lovers.

Yes, the other one is Jiggy, of course, but you will be amazed to see his rival;  no one else but the man behind the Y101FM website, THE WEB ADMIN. 

I have been offered coffee by the two of them in different times, and since I am not much of a coffee enthusiast, I cannot notice much of the difference. However, both claim that they have the great coffee which made me curious — which coffee is better?

Jiggy is known as the morning man of Y101FM and shares a lot about his coffee. I even got a cup, and I should say I was energized and had that great “good morning” rush even if I haven’t slept all night. As we all know, Jiggy sips about 6 cups of coffee a day and yes, we’ve heard about his favorite coffee. If you have not heard about it, what he had was Pete’s Coffee, and it was good. 

THE WEB ADMIN on the other hand also shared to me his freshly roasted coffee. He claims that his room is filled with coffee! If he feels like sharing, he gives to us some pre-grinded beans to bring home. The web admin also shared his coffee to me and it was shockingly good! I also felt energized even with a little sleep, and then was able to work on the afternoon.

So which is which? Keep in tuned for Y101 Talks as we take this rivalry to the next level! 

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