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Being in your 20’s is actually one of the best stages in life- you begin working, you meet a lot of people, you are now in a stable relationship (or happily single)… it’s like all of life’s peak in a bottle.

However, it is not all sunshine and flowers for people at this age. You cannot get what you want when you really want it: For example, the Lamb of God concert. Of course, people like me and Veronica want to watch it badly but there is this thing called “priority”.  Veronica is saving for something really important while I am saving for a Play Station 4.

Now things would be different if you are past this “peak” age. You have your savings already and you can go to whatever concert you wish to go and have the time of your life and that’s great! The thing is we are not in a hurry to be of that stage just yet. It feels nice to feel limited sometimes-it’s just how life goes and how things work.

Now for that concert, though it is a dream for us, we have no choice but to lay our dreams to rest and bury it under the sun for now because we know where to place things. We can’t just act spoiled and beg our parents’ hard-earned money (we wish we could though).

I’m sure this will pay in the end. Veronica will save enough money for that important thing she doesn’t want to reveal to the public and I get buy a Ps4 in a few months (with Francis’ help) so that we can soon upgrade to Tekken 7 for ourselves and of course, K.O. Thursdays!

What’s in our minds? Y101 Talks

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